Sunday, April 13, 2014

While Reading & After Reading Bad Boy by Walter Dean Myers

While Reading:
  Highlight things Walter Dean Myers says he likes or is good at.

 Underline sentences that indicate what Myers did to "get into trouble."

 Highlight two things that show Mrs. Conway has changed her mind about  Walter.

Answer the question, What has Walter realized that made him like Mrs. Conway?

After reading paragraph 8, Draw a box around the two things Mr. Lasher knows about Walter.

Then highlight what Walter does to Mr. Lasher.

After Reading:
Write a note from either Mrs. Conway or Mr. Lasher to the teacher who will have Walter in class next year. Using the voice and diction of Mrs. Conway or Mr. Lasher, describe Walter in a way that will help the next teacher allow Walter to excel.

Write a sentence demonstrating their understanding of the changes that occurred in Walter.  You will use this sentence as a topic sentence in Activity 3.5.

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