Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homework - December 12

Language Arts:
2 entries in writer's notebook - Animal story like Jack Gantos or a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life

Write words in spelling words in a sentence

Adverb worksheet

Continue research on topic for editorial - 3, 2, 1

Reading: 2 entries in reader's notebook

Math: Self-assessment

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Graphic Organizer for Editorial

Link to Graphic Organizer for an editorial

Tips for Writing an Editorial

Newspaper Editorial #1

Write an editorial for a newspaper. Pick an issue or problem, then research the topic before writing your letter. Use moderate language, facts, and strong, logical arguments in your editorial. Prompts: Headline, Explain the problem, Explain the other side and its weakness, Explain you solution and its strengths, Support your solution with facts, examples, Restate your position plus you view of the future.

Homework - December 11

Language Arts: Read 20 pages - two responses due this week

Write spelling words 3X each; look up words if you do not know the meanings of them

Social Studies: 6S - Finish 5.9 in packet

6W - finish 5.7 in packet

Math: worksheet 3-10 & 1-4

Monday, December 10, 2012

How to Research! Check it OUT!

You should be able to find some helpful advice on this website if you get stuck! I want you to do a quick write on how you think this website will help you while researching.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What is an editorial?

Clink on the link below to find out what an editorial is all about.

Choose from these Editorials from Write Source

The Write Source is a great place to go if you want to read how other writers structure their writing. Please read the three editorials under the Grades 6 - 8 Title.

I want you to think about... What do they all have in common?  What makes the writing powerful?
What evidence did the writer give to support their main idea?  What information is the author trying to get across?

Middle School Students Write Editorials

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6 - Homework

Language Arts: 3 entries in your writer's notebook
Make sure you study, study, study your spelling words.
I will be collecting your words written 3 times each, sentences using the words, and a story using them.
Finish your spider story

Reading: Write three entries in your reader's notebook - Make sure your responses includes details from the text and it should be at least a paragraph in length. (On the top of each page, please write the book you are reading, pages you have read, and the date)

Math: Written Assessment

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5 - Homework

Language Arts: Spider story due Friday
Write spelling words in a story. Make sure to use the words correctly. (You may need to look the words up if you don't know the definitions)

2nd Entry in writer's notebook - This could be a topic from your house!  Continue to add ideas to your house! Just like Jack Gantos does!

Reading: You will need three entries by Friday!

Math: Unit 2 Written Assessment

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4

There are a few students who having missing work. Tomorrow is the very last day I will be able to accept anything so if I have talked to you make sure the assignments are passed in tomorrow.

Language Arts: 3 Entries due this week! Writer's Notebook - keeping adding ideas to your house - Just like Jack Gantos
Spelling Words- Write your words in sentence that shows you understand the meaning.

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour - 3 entries due this week based on what you are reading.
One should be Somebody wanted......   But......       So.......

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homework - November 29

Language Arts: Study, Study, Study those spelling words. Finish a Paragraph using the spelling words. Make sure you have 3 entries in your writer's notebook with the date on the top.

Work on your spider story.

Reading: 3 entries in your reader's notebook. The entries need to be from different sections of your book. You may choose to do one visual.

Math: Study Skill 3.8

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Roots - scrib, script means to write

Link is below

Homework - November 28

Reading: You will need to finish your reading goal by Friday! You will also need to have 3 reading responses which are due Friday.

Language Arts: Spelling due for Friday Study those words! (Crossword,  Write you spelling words in sentence, make up a story using your spelling words) Make sure to use the words correctly. You may need to look up the meanings if you forget.

Continue to work on narrative prompt!

Social Studies: Finish Packet if you are not done!

Math: Study Link 3.6

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 28

Reading: Work on reading goal - Semester ends this Friday, November 30! Make sure to conference this week.

You should be on your second reading response!  Make sure to choose from the options I gave you.  Make sure to include examples from the text. To get a three on the rubric you need to have at least two examples from the text.

Spelling: Write each word in a sentence. It can be humorous, but remember you need to demonstrate you understand the meaning of the word.  You may need to look the word up in the dictionary if you don't remember the meaning.  We did go over the meanings in class.

ELA: You should be on your second entry in your writer's notebook.  Make sure it is at least a page.

Math: Study Link 3.5

Social Studies: Finish 4.5 & 4.6 in the packet

Monday, November 26, 2012

Homework - November 26

Language Arts:

Fictional story organizer 

Write Spelling words 3 times each
1 entry in writer's notebook


Work on goal - 1 response in reader's notebook using the guidelines that you were given today

Social Studies: Finish Packet 4.3 & 4.4

Math: Study Link 3.5

Science: Study for test

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13 - Homework

Reading: Read 20 pages; rough draft of character writing
You need to have met your reading goal by Nov. 30! Make sure to bring in books and conference with Mrs. Sprague.

Language Arts: Continue to work on personal Narrative - Share it with someone at home!

Social Studies: 0

Math: Math Link page

Science: 0

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Check out This Blog

Look through this blog to see what book you would like me to order for our library. What do you think is a must have book!  Do a quick write to let me know what book you would like to read and why you think you may want to read it. Do you like the type of genre, theme, or maybe the plot has caught your attention.  Below is the link to the blog. The more convincing you are the more likely your book is the one I will order. Hopefully there will be many on my list!
Books, Books and more Books

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Link to interactive Tree for the root - phon - sound

Link to an interactive tree with words that have the root phon which means sound!

Root - phon - means sound

You may use the link which will direct you to an interactive tree.

Homework - November 7

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - add to your reader's notebook about character

Language Arts: Continue to work on personal narrative - We have written the lead, described setting, and should now be on describing the first event that will eventually lead up to the climax.  Remember to keep building suspense!

Refer to the narratives we have read in class if you get stuck!

Math: 2 worksheets (front and back)

Social Studies: 6S - Please put finishing touches on comic book. Study for test by reviewing vocabulary, reading over 2 packets, and don't forget your to look through your book!

6W - Finish packet - quiz on Friday

November 6

Bring pennies to help people who are suffering from hurricane Sandy. 

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - response to reading in reading notebook - write down what the character says, does, or is thinking that reveals what the character is like

Language Arts: Draw the events on your story board about your personal narrative- Feel free to use google docs to keep going with your story!

Preposition worksheet is due! (you had to find prepositions in five sentences this was given to you on Monday so you are getting an extra day)

Social Studies: Finish your packet - Make sure to use details from your book (2 details in each box about the topic you are doing for that page)

Math: Lesson 19 if not done!

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5 - Homework

Language Arts:
Preposition worksheet
Work on your lead for the personal narrative

Reading: In your reading notebook write about the character's feelings, actions, and thoughts - Make sure to put the date on top of reader's notebook  (You are looking for traits that are revealed about your character)

Social Studies: 2nd Page of Comic Book - Make sure to refer to each section in your book for details.

Math. 3P & 4P

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1 - Homework

Don't forget tomorrow we are going the Grande!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
continue to write about the character - Make sure to date the entry. Make sure to write down what the character says, does, and feels. We will be writing about the character once we gather enough evidence to support our opinions.

Language Arts: Make sure 1 & 2 are done on your narrative template

Social Studies: You should be working on your 2nd part of the comic book.

Math: worksheet 2.11

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tips for Writing a Personal Narrative

Purpose and Audience
Personal narratives allow you to share your life with others and vicariously experience the things that happen around you. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action letting him or her live through an experience. Although a great deal of writing has a thesis, stories are different. A good story creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright, and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. A story has done its job if we can say, "Yes, that captures what living with my father feels like," or "Yes, that’s what being cut from the football team felt like."

There are a variety of ways to structure your narrative story. The three most common structures are: chronological approach, flashback sequence, and reflective mode. Select one that best fits the story you are telling.

Show, Don’t’ Tell
Don’t tell the reader what he or she is supposed to think or feel. Let the reader see, hear, smell, feel, and taste the experience directly, and let the sensory experiences lead him or her to your intended thought or feeling. Showing is harder than telling. It’s easier to say, "It was incredibly funny," than to write something that is incredibly funny. The rule of "show, don’t tell" means that your job as a storyteller is not to interpret; it’s to select revealing details. You’re a sifter, not an explainer. An easy way to accomplish showing and not telling is to avoid the use of "to be" verbs.

Let People Talk
It’s amazing how much we learn about people from what they say. One way to achieve this is through carefully constructed dialogue. Work to create dialogue that allows the characters’ personalities and voices to emerge through unique word selection and the use of active rather than passive voice.

Choose a Point of View
Point of view is the perspective from which your story is told. It encompasses where you are in time, how much you view the experience emotionally (your tone), and how much you allow yourself into the minds of the characters. Most personal narratives are told from the first-person limited point of view. If you venture to experiment with other points of view, you may want to discuss them with Miss Burke as you plan your piece.

Heart Map

Root Words WE Have Studied

AUD - to hear, listen - auditorium, audio, audition, ausculate 

Man - hand  - manual, manicure, manage,
emancipate, mancle

How did you like doing the Heart Map?

October 31 - Homework

FILL IN THE THE Personal Narrative Template - do parts 1 & 2

Writer's Notebook - Should be working on two entries - (Memory or Unforgettable Moment, and the graphic about what is close to your heart)



MATH: 3 PAGES 2.6, 2.5, AND

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Homework - October 30

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour;   Respond to your reading by listing what the character does,
what the character says, and what the character feels. We started the responses in class and many students shared at least one example of what the main character is like.

Having this information will help you when we start writing a response about a character.

Language Arts: Write 10 sentences using at least one prepositional phrase.  Use the picture to help you.
Bring in two post cards by Thursday! We will be sending them out on Friday.


Social Studies: 0

Monday, October 29, 2012

We are going to the Grand on Friday!

We will be going to see a play called Treasure Island, at the Grand,which is based on the classic novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Treasure Island-Scribner's-1911.jpg
The main character is a boy named  Jim Hawkins, who is about your age. The story takes place in the 1800's. A man comes to visit the inn where Jim lives, but ends up dying.  Jim and his mom find a chest and decide to look in it because he owed them money for staying at the inn.  Unfortunately, pirates want all the contents of the chest, including what Jim found. Within the oilskin is a map which leads to to a treasure...........  What will happen to Jim and the treasure?  Will there be a voyage to find a treasure?

Homework October 29

Language Arts: Finish Favorite Activity Writing
Write in writer's notebook over one of the prompts we had today!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Math: Worksheet

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homework - October 25

Language Arts: Writer's Notebook - response to video
Favorite Activity Due Tuesday

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
Continue to work on response for the mood of your book

Social Studies: Packets should be complete; be thinking of ideas for comic book

Math: 5P & 6P

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Frolic

The Fall Frolic will be this Friday from 6 - 8! There will something for everyone!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Mrs. Sprague will be having Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, November 1 & Thursday, November 8. Hope to see you then! Students should come to the conference too!

October 24 - Homework

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
Work on response to reading based on the mood in your book

Language Arts: Finish rough draft of expository writing

Social Studies: Finish Packet

Math: page 1P & 2P

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23 - Homework

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Mood writing should be at least 2/3 done.  Introductory paragraph, 2nd paragraph with an example of the mood, 3rd paragraph with another example of the mood, and 4th paragraph with an example of the mood, and finally a concluding paragraph where you restate the thesis.  Give your opinion of how the mood affected the story and you.

Writing: You will need post cards for tomorrow! Due for tomorrow- 4th paragraph of expository writing - Favorite activity -

Social Studies: Make sure your index cards cards are done

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22

Fall Frolic is this Friday, October 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 Several sixth grade students have volunteered to help me judge costumes.   Please make sure come to Mrs. Sprague's room when you arrive that night.

Language Arts: Work on 4th or 5th paragraph of expository writing - Favorite Activity -

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Work on extended response - What is one mood in your book - how does it change - give examples to support your writing

Math: Worksheet

Social Studies: Vocabulary Index cards are due Tuesday

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Homework - October 18

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
Work on theme writing

Language Arts: Introductory and first paragraph

Math: Sheet 2.4

Social Studies: Do at least 4 vocabulary words

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework - October 17

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Theme Web

Language Arts: Introductory paragraph and second paragraph of favorite activity writing

Social Studies: Continue to study for test (Some of the students in Ms. West's room have not finished the test because of chorus so you will have extra time to study!!

Make sure to study notes you made while students were presenting and read over chapter 2

Math: Worksheet

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homework - October 16

Language Arts - Finish Web for favorite activity

Reading - Read for 1/2 hour and do a web for the mood - In the center of the web should be the mood and the legs of the web should be quotes from the story that show the mood

Social Studies: 6S - study for quiz ---  Finish packet if you didn't get it done

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework - October 15

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour  

Language Arts: Web for Expository Essay - Favorite Activity - Make sure to have a main idea about favorite activity. Example - Football is an activity that takes a great deal of mental determination.

Each leg needs to be support for the mental aspect of the game.  Use the essay we read and gave you in class.

Social Studies: Study for quiz including Social Studies packet, vocabulary, and book.

Math: Study Links 2.1

If you did not finish the theme response make sure to get it in.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework - October 11

Reading: Finish 1/2 way goal - Final draft of theme writing - make sure to edit for conventions

Language Arts: In writer's notebook - write about a favorite activity and what it takes to be really good at it.

Math: Average News worksheet

Social Studies: Be ready to present tomorrow

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10 - Homework

Read! Read! Read! Make sure to conference with Mrs. Sprague by Friday! Mid-Semester grades close Friday!
Language Arts:  Theme Writing Due Friday

Social Studies: Finish Poster and be ready to present tomorrow

Math Sheet 1 - 12

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5 - Homework

Reading: Keep reading to reach your mid-point goal!  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4 - Homework

Language Arts: Work on webbing a noun like we did in class today. Remember to think about what you may be stuck on in other writing book entries.

You need to have four entries for tomorrow!  I will be collecting your writing notebooks.

Reading: Work towards reaching your reading goal.  Read for a 1/2 hour.  

Social Studies: Work on rough draft of poster

Remember no School on Monday, Columbus Day!

Practice your Greek and Latin Roots

Check to see if what you know about Greek and Latin Roots!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3 Homework

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Make sure your theme web over your book is done

ELA: Writing prompt for writer's notebook - Write about a time when you felt proud for accomplishing a goal

Math: Worksheet Study Link 1-10

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - web theme picking out examples of theme you have chosen

Language Arts: Write about noun in writer's notebook

Math: Two worksheets

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 - Homework

Language Arts: Add to Noun Writing in Writer's Notebook
Web another idea based on a noun

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Write About two strategies that you use before, during or while you are reading

Some students have not passed in their writer's notebook from last week

Math: Study Link 1.8

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homework - September 27

Good Luck Cross Country Team! 
Picture Day is coming soon - October 3
Soccer Game at home October 3   Away game October 1
No School October 8
PTO Oct. 9 at 4:30 - All are welcome!!!!  

Language Arts: Final Copy of descriptive writing
4 entries in Writer's Notebook

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - add events to plot line; choose two reading strategies and explain how you used them while reading

Math: Study Links

Social Studies: 0 

Science: 0

Internet has been Down

Sorry! Sorry!

I have not posted for a few days because our network has been down.  It seems to be up and running again so I will be putting the homework on the blog!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework - September 20

ELA: Finish All About ME poem
You will need to bring in post cards for Wednesday

Read for 1/2 hour - Choose two reading strategies and explain how it relates to your story.

Social Studies: 6W - Study for Test - packet, vocabulary, and map There will be questions related to locations on the map.



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework - September 19

We hope to see you all at Open House tomorrow night from 5 - 7!

- Read for 1/2 hour
-  Bring in Two post cards for Monday
- Write in Writer's Notebook

(finish How-To if it is not complete)

Social Studies: Study for Quiz - Study packet including map, vocabulary words, and chapter
6W - if you were in band or chorus make sure you read two more sections over the assigned cave pictures

Math: Mean, Medium, & Mode

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18 - Homework

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; add to web about observations

ELA: Finish final draft of narrative for How-To Writing

Math: Study Link worksheet

Science: Finish analysis 5

Don't forget open house on Thursday from 5 - 7

Monday, September 17, 2012


Everyone received a newsletter! There is a great deal of information and some great pictures of students!  

We hope to see you at Open House which is September 20th from 5 - 7!

School Picture day is October 3 

How exciting! PBIS Kickoff is September 18th! Don't forget to ask your child all about it! 

Homework - September 17

6W - Due Tuesday - Final draft of How-To Writing
6S - Due Wednesday - Final draft of How-To

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Math: Study Link 1.5

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework September 13

Writing: Write rough draft of How-To Writing - materials list and steps you will take to teach someone how to do something.

Continue to write every day in your writer's notebook - add to list, continue name writing, add to lifting a line from other authors....

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - reading strategies which were assigned on Tuesday
6W - Practice and write in your readers notebook two reading strategies you used while reading

 Social Studies: 6W - You need to do 4 more vocabulary words on the graphic organizer
**** In packet do question 1 in Section 1

Math: Both sides of worksheet

Monday, September 10, 2012

Want to Find a Book to Read?

  Need help finding a book? Link to Anita Silvey's Almanac Check out recommendations by Anita Silvey. She is the editor of the Horn Book Review Journal and publisher of children's books at Houghton Mifflin. She has read over 125,000 kids books. Can you imagine?  There is even a little information about the book and why she thinks it may one day be a classic.  

Homework - September 10

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour - Don't forget the writing strategy we used to day. Lifting a Line - choose a sentence that you really like and may want to use a springboard for a writing. Choose one that you can connect or gives you a spark or idea.

Writing: Narrow down what you want to do for a How-To Writing - Add to your lists for writing

Social Studies: Bring artifact in for Thursday. Make sure you ask your parents if it is okay to bring it in.

Lumberjack Show

Wow! The Lumberjack Show was amazing! I know all the students really enjoyed the show!  They really made us laugh! I think one of the highlights was the log rolling!  You may want to ask your child how the pole climbing went! They definitely should have some stories to tell!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Homework for Monday

Writing: Don't forget to get information about your name.  Take notes on what you find out!

Continue writing about a topic from your list.

Reading: Remember to read over the weekend!  You have all started reading some great books and I can't wait to conference with you!

Social Studies: Bring in an artifact that you may want to bury for our social scientist to find 10,000 years from now! Make sure you have asked your parents if it is okay to lose this treasure for ever!

Work on All About ME Poster!  Due Tuesday

September 6

HOORAY! Tomorrow is the day for Donnell's Pond!   Don't forget to bring a bag lunch for the Donnell's Pond Merit Trip!   You may also need a bathing suit, jacket, sunscreen, and maybe even a frisbee or football. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome Back To School

It is hard to believe summer is over, and you will be in sixth grade. I am so excited to get to know you all! I will be your Language Arts and Social Studies teacher, and Ms. West will be your Math and Science teacher. 

We already have a great deal planned for the upcoming year!  To start off the year there will be an assembly in the gym on the first day of school at 9:00 a.m.!   

Upcoming Events
*There will be a music demonstration with Rayburn Music on Sept. 12. 

* School picture day will will be October 3

* No School October 8 - Columbus Day

PTO is always looking for new members. The first two meeting are on Sept. 9 @ 6:00 p.m. and October 11 (no time scheduled yet)

BOOK FAIR is October 22 - 26
PBIS Celebration is October 26 at 1:00 p.m.
PTO FAll FROLIC - is October 26 in the evening

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What to Read Next

Kate Messner has written, The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z., which won the 2010 E.B. White Read Aloud Award for older readers. Below you will find a links to other authors if you are looking for a book to read.

Al's Book Club - USA Today

Rebecca Stead's Book - When You Reach Me

Monday, June 4, 2012

Homework - June 4

Math 6W - Finish Worksheet Practice and Application - Be sure to put new fraction, decimal, and/or percent beside the numbers for each problem!!

Language Arts: Finish Fable - Final Copy!! Make sure to edit for complete sentences, dialogue, spelling, capital letters, and prepositional phrases...

Reading: If you have any late work you need to get that in.  Some students are missing the assignment for Chapter 9 & 10.  I have let students know if they were missing any work today. 

6W/6S - Work on Independent Reading goal - You only have a week and 1/2 to conference over books!  Read! READ! READ!

6W -Reading - Questions over chapter 10
6S students have already done this assignment, but some still need to get it in to me.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Homework - May 31

Reading: Finish reading chapter 10 - Phantom Tollbooth
Vocabulary word for Word Wall needs to be completed (Word, picture, and definition)
Continue to fill in Concept Map over characters Milo meets on his journey

Language Arts: Rough draft needs to be done of Fable - Remember dialogue, setting, and moral!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30 - Homework

Reading: Vocabulary is Due on Thursday - Triple Entry Journal

Finish Questions over Chapter 10 -

Language Arts: Work on Fable Due Friday

Math: If you did not finish pages 306 - 307 Module Assessment Review

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

6S/6W Reading - Finish reading chapter 9 and questions

Triple Entry Journal is due on Thursday over words from Section 3 - (underlined words)

6S/6W Language Arts - Continue writing Fable
Third paragraph should be about an event the character has which goes all wrong.  The wiser character should be in the background explaining why this was not a good idea.

Math: Many need to finish page 306 & 307

Social Studies: Journal Response

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Homework - May 24

Language Arts: Time to start writing your Fable!  Write the first paragraph of your fable.  Make sure you have your planning sheet completed first.  A Long, long, time ago.........  The reader should get a sense of your character in the first paragraph. 

Reading: 6S & 6W - Finish reading chapter 9 and do questions if you did not finish! 
(Refresher.... irony - total opposite of what you would expect to happen; personification - giving human qualities to something nonhuman, text to self connection for number 6) Sorry!  (The number 6 questions is from page 107 not 102) 

Math: Page 306 6S - Do problems 2 & 3  Math test on Tuesday!! Start studying Key concepts in Module 4; Try practice problems throughout the different sections.

6W - Study for test - Module 4 Tests --Look over key concepts page in the Module!!
 Based on today's class some students need to fix problems that had a misunderstanding on. (For example some students forgot how to do prime factorization correctly so you need to redo problems you got wrong. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23

Keep working on independent reading goal!! ONLY A Couple of more weeks!
6W Reading: Finish reading chapter 9 in Phantom Tollbooth and comprehension questions over chapter

Remember a Paradox is contradictory term such as, It was the best of times and the worst of times.

6S- Language Arts - Fable Planning Organizer

Science: Binders need to be organized

Monday, May 21, 2012

Homework May 21

NWEA Testing tomorrow for 6S - Make sure to get a good night sleep!

6W/6S - Reading: Make an illustration over chapter 7 - Make sure to use speech bubbles of what the characters are saying to each other.  Pick one conversation from that chapter.   Make sure to put idioms from the chapter around your drawing.  (example - a light meal, a square meal, etc.)

6S - Fable Planning - fill out your planning sheet for tomorrow. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Homework May 17

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - work on independent reading goal
 6S Finish chapter 6 Questions

6W & 6S Language Arts: Worksheet on prepositions

6S Practice & Application

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homework - May 16

Reading: 6W - Finish reading chapter 6 and questions

6S - All of this is homework from Monday and Tuesday.  There technically is no homework, except independent reading, unless you are catching up.  Make - up work - Finish reading chapter 6 in Phantom Tollbooth and do the chapter grid. You need to pick events from the beginning, middle, and end draw a picture of that event. You also need to explain that event using details from the story.

Monday's homework - Finish reading chapter 5 and answer the questions for that chapter.

Continue to add to the concept map of people Milo meets on his adventure.

6S & 6W Math - Finish page 293

Social Studies: Practice cards for the presentation 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Homework May 15

Reading: 6S Read chapter 6 and use the back of the chapter grid from chapter 5

6W - Read chapter 5 and do questions

Math: 6S Finish page 293

Social Studies: 0

Science: Possibly Analysis 65

Monday, May 14, 2012

How Exciting!! Author coming to Hancock Grammar School!

Lynne Plourde is coming to Hancock Grammar School this Wednesday, May 16th. Students were given order forms if they wanted to order books she has written.  That evening parents are invited to attend a fun filled night with Lynne Plourde where she will be reading to students and there will be a breakfast served as well. 5:00 pm
Lynn Banner 5 - Sticky, wicky. Stucky, wucky. Syrupy, wyrupy—WHAM!
Check our her website!

She has written many books including Dump Man's Treasure, Grandpappy Snippy Snappies,  A Mountain of Mittens, and my favorite, Thank You Grandpa!  

If you want to read more about her just google Lynne Plourde and you will be directed to her website!

Homework - May 14

6S - Read chapter 5 and do chapter grid - You need to draw three pictures of events that happen in this chapter and then explain it using complete sentences. Add to your concept of people Milo meets along his journey.

6S - Math - Paper on decimals

6W - Reading- Read chapter 4 and do chapter grid.  (The same as above) Add to the concept map of people Milo meets along his journey.

Keep working on your your independent reading goal.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Homework May 8


Reading: We have started a new book, Phantom Tollbooth.
6S - Finish reading chapters 1 & 2. Reading strategy - Save the Last Word  - Write on a sticky note 3 interesting pieces of evidence you find out about Milo. On the other three stickies write 3 other interesting quotes you find. Be ready to share why you choose them.

6W- Same as above (only chapter 1 - this class had less time to read in class) You still need to do the stickies though!  You only need to do three stickies but be ready to share.


Language Arts: Students are writing about their name. They should be asking their parents questions such as: Why they were given that name? How were they named? How long did your parents have the name picked out? Why not another name? Any other information would be helpful!

MATH: Remember to you can always work on VMATH OR COMPASS LEARNING!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Homework - May 7

Language Arts: You need to write a well written paragraph of a snapshot. You have several choices on the sheet I gave. Make sure to use sensory detail. (What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel?

Narrative is due at the end of class tomorrow.  Make sure to edit for final draft!

Science: Analysis 62

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour! Keep reading to meet your goal.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homework - May 2

Math: Finish page 272 make sure you show your work starting on question 13 (make sure it is legible)

Reading: Work on reading goal - You will need to be 1/2 way through goal by Friday

Language Arts: Finish nonfiction text feature paper - include title, picture, definition, how this feature helps a reader, and one other important piece of information

You also need to include a book where you found an example of one

Science: Finish Graph

Social Studies: Work on Irish Poster which is due Friday

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Homework May 1

Math:Finish Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple worksheets

Language Arts: Work on fictional narrative - Even if you are working with a partner you can work on the story, and then discuss with your partner tomorrow to see if you need to make any changes.  Remember you didn't have to work with a partner, but I did let you choose this time.  So you need to make it work. Hopefully, Google Docs will make it easier to collaborate from home.


Work on your nonfiction text feature assignment.  Make sure to include title, picture, and use complete sentences. How does this feature help the reader? What is it used for? Explain where you found  a good example of one. One extra piece of information about the text feature.

Reading: Work on independent reading goal.  Last week to conference for mid-point grade!

Social Studies: Work on Famous Irish person poster - Due Friday

Monday, April 30, 2012


Good Luck to all those students who are in the play!  We can't wait to see the performance of the Wizard of Oz! 

It will be performed on Tuesday, May 1 @ 6:30.  Hope to see you all there!

Practice Those Speeches

May 2nd is the District Speech Contest at the Pennisula School at 6:00. If you are in the speech contest you need to study your speech!  Matt you should be ready just in case!  Good Luck to all the Contestants! We are very proud of YOU!

Homework April 30

Reading: The last day to conference is on Friday!  Students need to be 1/2 way through their reading goal and need to conference with me this week over books they have read to get credit!

Nonfiction paper is due Wednesday-  You all have gotten a nonfiction text feature that you are to write about.  The paper needs to have a title, picture of nonfiction text feature (which you may use the internet to find one)  Describe the text feature and how it may help a reader.  You also need to include the name of a nonfiction book where you found an example of this feature.  One other interesting point about this text feature.    YOU NEED TO WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!

The directions are also in google docs.

Language Arts:

You need to continue writing your fictional narrative story.  You should have at least three paragraphs done.  Share it with you family what you have so far.

Social Studies: Famous Irish Person Poster Due Friday

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Congratulations to our Speech Winners!

All of our sixth grade representatives did an amazing job delivering their speeches! We are proud of you all!

A special congratulations to Dax and Matt! Second and Third Place! The District Speech will be at the Peninsula School, on May 2nd, @ 6:00! Hope to see you there!

May 16th we have Lynne Plourde coming to visit our school.  Check out her website to see all the books she has written!

May 1st The Drama Club will be performing the Wizard of Oz at 6:00!  Come join the fun!

Homework April 26

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Language Arts: work on narrative writing - sensory paragraphs - Don't forget you can use google docs

Math: Finish page 262; Study those divisibility rules

Social Studies: Due Monday - Irish Paper over person

Some student have not passed in their  Symbol Poster - Make sure to get in by tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homework - April 23

Read for 1/2 hour to work on your independent reading goal
Bring two nonfiction books from home if you have any

Language Arts: Work on paragraph for character description or setting description.

If you did not finish the paragraph on the computer you will need to write it out on paper at home. You should have at least 5 to 6 sentences for your paragraph.

Social Studies: Work on Irish Paper over the person you are doing

There are still people with missing work. If your name is on the board than you need to get that work in by Friday or it is a 0.

School Speech Contest Tomorrow!

Our school speech contest is tomorrow, April 23 at 8:30! Good luck to Mariah, Matt, Dax, and Jordan! Alternates are Molly and Leah. Great run through today! Make sure to practice, practice, practice!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Homework April 23

Welcome Back! We are off to a good start! Sixth grade went to Sumner High School today to hear a very moving story about a boy named Ryan. His father told the story of the struggles his son went through when he was in middle school. Ask your son or daughter to share this story with you! It was aimed to teach students how Bullying can affect so many people.

School Speech Contest is this Wednesday, April 25, at 8:30. We have four sixth graders so if you would like to come and listen we would love to have you!

April 25th there is a PTO meeting at 5:30. They are always looking for parent support!

May 1 is the performance of Wizard of Oz at 6:30!

Reading - Read for 1/2 hour - if you have any missing assignment you need to get them in as soon as possible.

Bring two nonfiction books if you have any at home

Social Studies: Ireland personality paper is due Monday - Start working on poster

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homework - April 12

Don't forget to bring a bag lunch and permission slip tomorrow for Great Skates!

On Monday, April 23, students will be going to Sumner High School to see a presentation on Bullying. We will be leaving around 8:30 and returning at 11:00. I have given the students a copy of Ryan's Story which will be discussed at the presentation. It is a heartfelt story so if you get a chance ask your child to share it with you.

Reading Homework: Finish the take home quiz over Miss Spitfire! You may use your book and reading strategies (such as the Chapter grid) to help with text evidence!! Remember to write in complete sentence.

For the extended response you want to use the same model we have been using for compare/contrast essays. In the book, Miss Spitfire, Helen and Anne are alike in many ways. I think they are both....... Then give examples from the text of how they show this trait. Details! Details! Details!

Don't forget to finish reading Ryan's Story because we will be going to Sumner on Monday for a Bullying Presentation which goes along with the story.

Math: Finish Practice and Application worksheet

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homework - April 11

Sixth grade students you did a great job on those speeches! We are PROUD OF YOU!! You really worked hard and it showed!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour working towards independent reading goal
Study for quiz over Miss Spitfire

Math: Finish pages 258 and 259 if you did not finish! Most of you are still working on page 259!

Language Arts: Hoorah!! Speeches are done!!

Science: Organize Binders

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Merit Trip on Friday

Merit Trip - Congratulations to all those students who have earned a Merit Trip! Students who have less than two demerits will be eligible to go on a Merit Trip to Great Skates on Friday! We will be leaving around 9:00 and return around 1:30.

Homework - April 10

Language Arts: Finish Speeches if you are not done - Make sure you have a conclusion!
Practice!!! Practice!!! Practice!!! Read them aloud to someone at home!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Science: Binders

Math: Finish page Divisibility worksheet
6W: Finish page 258 1 - 19

Monday, April 9, 2012

Homework - April 9

Reading: Symbol Poster - You need three examples of a symbol that represent you. You need a title, definition of a symbol, (use handout if you need it), drawing of 3 symbols that represent you, what the symbols mean, and why you think they represent you!

Be creative!

Read for 1/2 hour working towards reading goal.

Language Arts: Speeches are due Wednesday! Put finishing touches on and practice in front of someone You will be scored on rate, volume, etc. Practice! Practice! Practice!

Science: Finish Binders

Social Studies: Flag if it is not done

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Homework April 5

Don't forget a bag lunch for tomorrow's field trip and permission slip if you have not returned it. Students are going to the University of Maine in Machais for a job fair. We will be leaving at 8:30 and returning about 1:30!

Language Arts: Yesterday you should have been finishing up the body of your speech with at least 3 examples of how the organization has helped people or community.

We also worked on the conclusions. Use the examples of conclusions that were handed out to you on Wednesday, to help you decide how you want to end it. Some examples include a summary or wrap up, direct appeal, inspirational, (quote) thesis, and/or reference. You may want to combine two of them.

Practice your speech in front of someone - Remember rate, (not too fast or too slow) If you pause, think about places where that may be effective, articulate your words, Can we hear you?
Gestures should go along with your speech

Your speech needs to be between 3 - 5 minutes

Math: Math page 258 1 - 19 (Make sure Wednesday's homework is complete.) We did not get to go over it on Thursday because we were finishing up quizzes. Friday was a field trip.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Homework - April 3

Language Arts: All students need to be working on their speeches. They should be working on the third paragraph of the body of the essay. The third paragraph should be an example of how the volunteer organization has helped someone. An anecdotal story would work great!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Homework - April 2

Students need to return permission slips for Friday. We are going to the University of Maine in Machais to a job fair that Mrs. Stetler has organized.

Language Arts: Students need to be working on their speeches. You should be in the body of your writing where you will give examples of how the organization has helped people. Look for specific people it has helped. Some may need to find information about another hospital, for example, and how they use volunteers. (Portland Children's Hospital is a good one)

If you are behind on any other components we have worked on so far continue to add to your speech. YOU ALL NEED TO BE USING transitions!


Math: 6W - 245 Spiral Review and 246 Skills Practice
6S - Probability Worksheet

Social Studies: Ask 5 Students - Ireland (names)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Homework March 28

Reading: Read for 1/2 working towards reading goal; 2 Vocabulary Words - Word Web- make sure to have synonym, antonym, and image

Language Arts: Continue to work on speech - You should be writing your third paragraph which is a main point about your organization - Testimony by someone who it has helped, maybe you or family member or fried

6S: Math Finish Spiral Review and page 246 on Probability
6W: Math Do pages 235 - 237; Some of it we have done in class

Social Studies: Study for quiz

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Homework March 27

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; finish quiz if you did not finish chapter 23 & 24; (take home quiz is okay)

Language Arts: Write background paragraph for speech; (this is the history of your volunteer organization or movement) Include thesis statement at the end

You may add to lead if you need more information to give the audience.

Math: Triple Entry Journal

Social Studies: 1 history fact on Ireland; Study Guide due Thursday

Science: (Analysis 49) Study Guide

Monday, March 26, 2012

Homework - March 26

Reading: Finish reading chapter 25 and answer questions - Always work on Independent Reading goal

Language Arts: Write a lead for your speech. Remember the ways we want to hook our audience. This could be a quote, anecdotal story, imagery, question, or personal story.

Speeches will be due by next Friday, April 6th. Classroom Speeches will be on April 11 & 12. The School-wide speech contest will be on April 25 and the RSU24 Speech Contest will be May 2nd. Good Luck Sixth Graders!

Continue researching to answer questions such as: Who started the organization? Why was it started? When did it start? What are some things they have accomplished? Fill in Double Entry journal with information you have found.

Social Studies: Find the historical fact on Ireland

Science: Catch up on work in binder

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Homework - March 22

Language Arts: Choose your topic for the speech contest; You may want to research if you are stuck (Volunteer projects or movements)

Reading: Most students are at least 1/2 way through - Finish reading chapters 23 & 24 and do Double Entry Journal

Study Vocabulary Words - Quiz tomorrow!!!!!
Possible quiz over chapters 23 & 24

6S - Math Worksheet - Practice & Application Front and back
6W - finish pages 240 & 241

Science: Study Guide Due Tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Homework - March 21

Reading: Students need to finish reading chapters 21 & 22 and do a cause and effect worksheet
Finish index cards for vocabulary words; You need word, definition, and picture for each word

Make sure you have a independent reading book and be working towards your goal

Language Arts: Students need to continue to add to their list of possible ideas for volunteerism

6S - Math: Finish page 240 - 241

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homework - March 20

Reading: Finish reading chapters 19 & 20; and chapter grid

Vocabulary- Make index cards for words you need to study - Word, definition, and picture

Language Arts: If you didn't finish the 3,2,1 over nonfictional article we read in class.

Continue to brainstorm with your parents about a time in American history when individuals banded together to improve quality of life - The School Speech Contest is soon approaching! Classroom Speeches will be April 12th and 13th. Winners of the classroom speeches will move on to the school wide speech contest.

+ What is volunteer project or movement that has made a tremendous impact? Consider both small-scale community driven efforts and large national efforts.
+Who was responsible for leading and/or carrying out the volunteer effort?
+How has the volunteer effort positively impacted one or more people? How does it continue to improve quality of life for people?

Social Studies: page 103 4, 5, & 6

Monday, March 19, 2012

Homework - March 19

Language Arts: Students need to ask parents about volunteer projects that think are important to our community, history, and even the world. They need to come up with at least 5 and hopefully more!

Students will be beginning to learning how to write speeches - The topic they will be writing about is: "A time when volunteers made a difference". The topic is chosen by Modern Woodmen of America's and the speech contest is sponsored by them as well. Students need your help to come up with ideas.

6W - Math finish page 243 - 244

Social Studies: Find one amazing fact

Science: Finish Analysis 48 if you are not done

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Homework March 15

Language Arts: Argument Writings are due *** Final Drafts must be in by Friday -

Reading: Last day to conference is THIS FRIDAY - You need to conference to meet your Independent Reading Goals YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow!! Study those words!!! Hopefully the Bingo game and fly swatter game has helped you! It is up to you to study them!!!!! Use the picture aids to from your triple entry journals to help!!!

Reading: Read Chapter 17 & 18 Do the coding (+ for favorite part, - for funny or surprising part, and ! - for character trait shown by one of the characters)
I gave you four index cards (two index cards for each chapter) (on each index card write a quote on one side and the reason why you choose the quote on the backside) We will be sharing these in groups tomorrow

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homework March 13

Reading: Inference Wheel for Anne - Write down at least 4 quotes from the book that are examples of Anne's character on the inner circles, and the inference you made about the character on the outer circles.

We will work on an extended response in class from these inference wheels.

Language Arts: Continue to work on argument writing. Final Draft is due Thursday.

Social Studies: Study for test

Math: Finish page 231 - Review Make sure to show your work! Test tomorrow! Study!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Homework - March 12

Language Arts: Rough draft due Tuesday!! Work on argument writing; There is a Persuasion map to the left on the blog if you are stuck.

Work on researching to get your facts, statistics, and expert opinion.

Reading: Finish reading through page 106- answer questions using complete sentences and use text support in your responses

6W - Math Page 230 1 - 18

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Showing our Projects Off!

Thank you to all the parents and students for a great night! Students were proud to show off their work, and we hope everyone enjoyed seeing what the students have been up to!

Way to go Sixth Graders!

Homework - March 8

Social Studies: Current Event

Reading: Finish Reading 73 - 90 and do coding over the pages - ! Character trait, + Favorite part,
--Most surprising and/or funny part

Work on Independent Reading goal - March 16 Trimester end

Language Arts: 2nd Supporting Paragraph for argument writing- You now should have 3 to 4 paragraphs (lead, introductory paragraph, first supporting paragraph, second supporting paragraph)

Math: 6W - Worksheet

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Don't Forget tomorrow night students will be showing off their Social Studies Projects and poetry books! Hope you all can make it. March 8 at 5:00!

Social Studies: page 93 1 - 4

Math: Worksheet 3-84

Language Arts: First Supporting paragraph

Reading: Vocabulary
Read pages 72 - 90 Use Coding (use the plus sign + for the Favorite Part, - minus sign for funny part, ! for character traits) (every two pages)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Homework - March 6

Reading: Finish reading pages 53 - 72 and answer questions; most students are at least 1/2 way through.

Finish Vocabulary words on the index cards

Language Arts: Continue to research; make sure to write down URL, name of website, name of article, author, and of course the information that you think is going to make your argument stronger

Introductory paragraph If you get stuck make sure to look at the models we have read in class. (It's Time to Junk Junk Food and School Uniforms) (Include background information and thesis statement)

MATH: 6W - FINISH Worksheet on stem and leaf plots/bar graphs

Social Studies: Write Argument Ethnic Group

Monday, March 5, 2012

What is happening in Sixth Grade?

Good Luck to those Hancock Hornet Cheerleaders! We are proud of YOU! The competition will be at Ellsworth High School at 6:00 tonight!

Winter Sports Awards March 7 - 6:00

March 8 - Students will get a chance to show parents and friends what their Social Studies projects and poetry books. Bring a pen or pencil so you can write a comment in their Poetry books.

March 16 Semester Ends - Reading Goals need to be met

March 30 - No School

April 6 - 5th and 6th graders will be going to a job fair at the University of Maine in Machias! Mrs. Stetler has organized this event! Thank you Mrs. Stetler!

March 5 - Homework

Reading: Finish reading pages 41 - 52; and answer questions - Most students have finished the reading and questions during class. (Make sure to pick a quote that you think is important to the characters or events in the story)

Work on independent reading goal

Language Arts: Work on research looking for evidence; make sure to include URL, author, name of article, of course the information you think is evidence for your argument

You may want to research options for your argument (What might be an alternative to what is happening now?) For example, if you are writing about walking at recess, maybe you could research other options or consequences for students who don't do their homework.

You may say that we already have detention, but some students are still not doing their homework.

Math: 6S - Rounding decimals worksheet (6W has already done this worksheet)

Science: work on analysis if not doen

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homework - February 29

Reading: Do Vocabulary for pages 18 - 40 using the triple entry journal;

Work on Independent Reading Goal

Language Arts: Write lead for argument writing;

List at least three mean ideas for your argument writing - What do you think will be your strongest arguments?

Math: 6S- Rounding Decimals 4 - 12

Social Studies: 0

Science: 6W - Finish analysis Questions for activity 41

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework - February 28

Reading: Finish reading pages 18 - 40 and do questions over this section. Most of you are at least 1/2 way through the reading and questions.

Finish vocabulary - definitions, (You have the page number from the book) write sentence the sentence from the book that has the word in it, draw a visual

Language Arts: We did not get to the argument writing; so remember to have at least 6 topics you think would make a good topic.

Math: Page 214 correct the ones you got wrong from yesterday's homework

Social Studies: Choose three newspaper articles about culture

Science: Finish analysis if you didn't finish

Monday, February 27, 2012

Homework - February 27

Reading: Finish reading pages 1 -17; most students are at least 1/2 way through; Finish questions over section; Make sure to write in complete sentences. For number 7 you should write at least three sentences describing the Tewksbury.

Continue to read independent reading goal!

Language Arts: Brainstorm at least 6 possibilities for a policy argument writing.

Math: Finish page 214 (13 - 26) Don't forget to use your book as a resource if you get stuck.

Social Studies: 0

Science: 0

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homework - February 15

We hope to see you tomorrow night from 5:30 - 6:30 in the gym! Students will be presenting their social studies projects and poetry books!

Language Arts: Any finishing touches on Poetry book -

Read for 1/2 hour

Math: Grade 6S Page 203 1 - 9

6W Page 203 - 204 1 - 25

Science: page D-8 Analysis

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Homework - January 14

This Friday is Winterfest!
Help! We are still in need of snack food for Winterfest! If you would like to contribute, here is what we are still in need of: Cereal, (Chex, Cheerios), M & M's, raisins, pretzels, hot chocolate, styrofoam cups, paper bowls, juice, and marshmallows.

Don't forget tomorrow is Pajamas Day!

Now for the Homework

Math: Finish page 190 - 192 Do Spiral Review as well

Finish those poetry books! They are due tomorrow! Many of you are not finished and will need to complete it at home. Tomorrow in class we will be working on the cover! So type what you have left at home, including the copyright page, title page, the narrative poems you summarized, and all the other poems we have done in class! You can do it! It will be fun to share so be ready! (Some have not finished the summaries of the narrative poems so please complete them at home if you didn't finish in class)

READ FOR 1/2 hour!!!! Always remember your goal!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday February 13 -- Homework

Don't forget about this Thursday. Students will be presenting their Social Studies projects and poetry books!

Language Arts: Work on Poetry Books - Due Wednesday!!! If possible please type up your peoms and include a picture that enhances your poem. Don't forget to edit! edit! edit!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour!

Social Studies: 6W - Write a summary of chapter 3 (Apply the Skill Page 81)

Math: 6W - Finish Double Bar Graph

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homework - January 9

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Language Arts: Rough draft of Foreward for poetry book & summary of narrative poem written by a well known poet.

Continue to work on poetry book which is due Wednesday. (Continue using check list to make sure you have your poems typed or in final draft form)

You should have all the poems typed up by Monday.

Social Studies: Page 79, - 3, 4, 5 & 6

Science: Analysis Questions if you didn't finish

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework - February 7

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour; Response Sheet - Write answers in complete sentence use details from story.

Language Arts: Continue to work on Poetry book; Write rough draft of narrative poem
Poetry books are due Wednesday! Books will be presented on Thursday!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 6 - Homework

Reading: 6W - Read for 1/2 hour; Reading Response Sheet - (predictions, 3 vocabulary words, 1 quote)

Language Arts; Work on Poetry Book - Students are putting together a poetry book. Please ask your child to share their poems with you. It is important for them to get feedback to help them revise. They need to be writing poems in final draft.

Need to put into final draft - Haiku & Cinquain; Work on Cover


Social Studies:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homework - February 2

Language Arts: Finish writing sports poem - make sure to include lively verbs, a metaphor (extended metaphor)

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Work towards reading goal - Trimester ends March 16

Math page 178 - 179; 19 - 50

Social Studies: Current Event

Science: 0

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework October 31

Read for 1/2 hour;

Two people from each class are doing book talks -

Science: Rough Draft of Report

Wow! USA Today

I applied to USA Today to have online newspapers for our sixth grade students. USA Today received a grant, and we were accepted as one of the schools to receive online versions of the newspaper. Every sixth grader and parents may go online and read the newspaper! Very Exciting!

I will have a link on the blog so you may access the paper. Students will get the passwords in class.

Good Luck and Have Fun reading an article with your child.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homework January 30

The Regional Spelling Bee is tomorrow at 6:30. Spellers will need to be there at 6:15.

We will be NWEA Testing on Tuesday, January 31

Wednesday Band and Chorus students will be going to Cave Hill School to practice. Students may bring cold lunch or have mac & cheese

Let's cheer on our School winners! Go Matt and Rady

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Language Arts
Make sure rough draft of 2nd Myth is complete. You will need the book to get all the details.
Work on poems if you didn't finish them in class

Math: Study the Metric Table for Mass - You will need to know the abbreviations for the metric units.

Social Studies: Sparta worksheet

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Homework - January 26

Reading: Finish writing myth

Read for at least 1/2 hour

Math: Study for quiz on metric system

Social Studies: work on project

Current Event

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Homework - January 25

6S/6W - Rough draft of myth

Read for 1/2 hour

Science: Concept Map

Social Studies: Packet; Work on Projects

Math: Practice 143

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Check out the books?

What strikes you as a book you can't wait to read? Check out these great links to help you decide. Comment on the blog as to what book you are interested in.

Homework - January 24

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour; work towards reading goal
6S Myth - Do rough draft (at least 1/2 way)
6W Myth - Rough draft of myth

Book Talk (should be doing 3 & 4 paragraph) - 6W - Jared, Taylor, Nikyla
6S - Emily, Leah

Math 6S -Redo Mass and Capacity worksheet

Social Studies: 0

Science: 0

Monday, January 23, 2012

Homework - December 23

ELA - Keep working towards your reading goals! Good job to many students who read over the weekend! Many of you shared some great stories today!

6S/6W - Finish reading myth & rough draft of summary (at least 1/2 of your summary) Should be a little easier 2nd time around

Math: Work on VMath lessons if you can

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Concert - February 1

Homework - December 19

Language Arts:
6S/6W - Work on myth - Should be about 1/2 way through

6S - Spelling - Write words in a sentence or write the words in a story

Reading: Read! Read! Read! Should be 1/2 way through reading goal by Friday
Book Talk for two students in each class

Math: 6S - Finish page 168 Study for Metric Length Quiz
6W - Study for Metric Length Quiz Worksheet 2 - 11 (Mass & Capacity)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homework - January 18

Congratulations to all the students who were in the Spelling Bee especially our sixth grader, Matt! We are proud of You!

Language Arts: 6W - Begin summary of myth - Remember to include title of myth, genre, character name, and conflicts. (Should be about 1/2 done)

Read! Read! Read! You should be 1/2 way through your goal by this Friday!

6S - Spelling - Word Scrabble; Search

Book Talk - Two students from each class should be working on 3rd and 4th paragraph

Math: 6S - Worksheet 2-9; 1 - 22
6W - Math book page 168 20 - 39

Important Dates to Know:
Mid-term grades will be mailed Jan. 27th

Winter Concert is February 1 at 6:00

Friday January 20th
There will be a Benefit Dinner for our HGS Nurse Mrs. Dupuis who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Please join us for a spaghetti supper to support and fundraise for her. $20.oo for a family, or $5.oo for kids $8.00 for adults.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17 - Homework

Spelling Bee Tomorrow at 8:30! Classroom Spellers study those words!

Winter Concert is February 1 at 6:30

Language Arts: Myth poster if you needed to add more detail or you were absent

6S - Spelling: Homonyms p. 18 A & B (The people who were absent on Friday you need to study your spelling words

Reading: Work on Reading Goal - 1/2 way by Friday

6W Math: Worksheet 2 - 9

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework - January 12

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Should be 1/2 through goal in two weeks;
Work on Final Draft of Myth Poster

Spelling: Study those Spelling words test tomorrow

Social Studies: Current Event

Science: Finish Concept Map 4 & 5

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homework - January 11

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour
Study 3 more words for WWS - Study those spelling words. Test on Friday over 10 words.

Finish Reading Myth and do Rough Draft of Myth Poster

6S: Math: page 154 - 155 3 - 40 [Even numbers and problems 3 & 5]

Science: Finish Concept Map

Social Studies: 0

School Wide Spelling Bee is on January 18th.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Congratulations to all Our Sixth Grade Spellers

Congratulations to all our sixth grade spellers! They really worked hard studying those spelling words! The four students who will represent the sixth grade class in the School Bee are Matt in 6S, Briana, Nikyla, and Maddie. (Alternates are Matt in 6W & Nathaniel)

We are proud of YOU! Keep studying those words!

The School Bee will be on Wednesday, January 18 in the gym. I will let you know the exact time when I get the information. It is usually in the morning around 8:30.


Language Arts - Bring group summarizing sheet to class (myths, legends, & folktales)
Read for 1/2 hour
WWS - three more words; make sure to go over the tricky parts

Book Talk - 2nd paragraph to those students who are doing it on Friday

6W - Math - page 154 - 155; Even and # 3 & 5
6S - Math - page 147 - 149; 1 - 30

Social Studies: Lesson 5; Section Review 1 - 5

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9 Homework

Study those spelling words! Classroom Spelling Bee Tomorrow!!!

Language Arts: Finish reading myth worksheet - What is a Myth?
Answer questions.

Spelling: WWS - Three words - going over the tricky parts; Go to website Study spelling list that I gave you for the Spelling Bee

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Book Talk first paragraph (2 students from each class)

6W: Social Studies: handout paper
6W: Math: page 147 - 149 1 - 31

6S: Science Analysis 28

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Homework - January 5

There are websites for you to study your spelling words! Practice, Practice, Practice. The classroom bee will be this Tuesday. Ask your parents to try the websites out too!

Language Arts: Finish Summary of legend

Spelling: Use WWS strategy to study 5 more words

Math: 6S - Page 140 & 141
6W: Page 150 & 151

Reading: Book Talks due Tomorrow!!!!! The students know if it is their turn. They should have been writing a paragraph every night so they don't have to do it all in one night!

Read for 1/2 hour

Social Studies: Lesson 4 Review 1 - 5

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homework - January 4

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Finish listing the major events of the legend you read in class today.

Language Arts: Study those spelling words - The classroom Spelling Bee is Tuesday, January 10. Practice 3 more words on your WWS! There will be a practice Spelling Bee tomorrow using the words you have chosen to study this week.

I have put on the blog some interactive ways to study your spelling words! There is hangman and a site that is an assimilation of an actual spelling bee. Have fun and give it a try!

Math: 6S Finish pages 140 & 141

Social Studies: Sheets

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Homework - January 3, 2012

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Four people are doing book talks - They know who they are; Should be working on 2nd paragraph

6S - Study spelling words; If you have the internet go to blog and study spelling words by doing the interactive games connected to the site (ex. hangman)

6S - Math Finish page 139 1 - 20

6W - Math

Social Studies: 0


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Homework - January 2, 2012

Welcome Back! I hope you all had a fantastic vacation.

Don't forget to look for websites that will help you practice for the spelling bee! I have posted one on our blog!

Math: 6W - Finish page 139 6S - Finish lowest terms paper

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour! By this point, you should need to conference over books.

Book Talk: Four students need to do their introductory paragraphs for a book talk - They were told today who they are.

Social Studies: 0
Science: 0