Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29

Spelling: Unit 23 ~ Study words

Mrs. Sprague's class will have a quiz on Monday over the Southwest Region which we have been studying for over a month. The students made a game to study different sections, and most students have had a chance to play with other students.

I have show them links from the blog including the link below and quizlet to study the vocabulary.

Mr. Nickerson's class will have a quiz on Friday over the Southwest region. 

Social Studies:

username: first initial + last name  (for most of the students)

password: hancock123
or username

Writing: Students started a fictional writing and should have filled out a story planning sheet and character planning sheet. Today we worked on writing a lead.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28

Students will have Reading MEA's tomorrow! We have been practicing how to write reading responses, which should include restating the question and giving at least 3 pieces of evidence or support from the text.   I have also been reminding them to reread to get the evidence they need. 

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; We started a new book in reading called, My Side of the Mountain! Sam Gribley, the protagonist, meets a weasel and a hawk who become his friends!  He goes on fishing and hunting adventures so I am hoping students will enjoy the journey of reading with partners, small group and whole group discussions. 

Writing: We will be sharing our nonfiction writings with a others classes this week and next week. I think students are excited about this!  We will be going into Mrs. Hanf's room and Mrs. Clark's room. 

We also started a new writing assignment which students are very excited about. They will be writing a fictional story and some are incorporating a fancy element. Some of our characters are a duck, pencil, sock, and much, much more! 

I think students are enjoying using their creativity and hopefully when we are done they will illustrate them as well. Keep you posted!

Social Studies: There will be a social studies quiz on Friday over Chapter 10 ~ The Southwest.
I have given students their TCI username and passwords so they can access the book and challenge online.  They can also take a book home if they prefer to.

Quizlet to study vocab:

I have given students their TCI username and passwords so they can access the book and challenge online.  They can also take a book home if they prefer to.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday, March 27

Students had MEA's for reading today.  We will do the second session on Thursday!

Spelling: Unit 23 Mrs. Sprague's class should finish the first page
Mr. Nickerson's class needs to finish the second page of Unit 23.

Writing: Finish informational writing if it is not done.  We are starting a new writing assignment that most of the students are pretty excited about. We will be writing a fictional story! We are hoping to have some fantasy elements included in our writings. Keep posted on the progress! 

Social Studies: There will be a quiz on the Southwest section on Friday. Students have been making up questions of their own to help them study and to make a board game.   They can also take a book home and do the online challenge to study for the quiz. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday ~ March 26

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
We also started a new class novel,  My Side of the Mountain.  Students were to read the first chapter in class. If they did not finish they are to finish it at home. 

Writing: We did not get a chance to work on writing today, but if Students did not finish their informational writing they need to complete it.  We hopefully be sharing them with another towards the end of the week.

Spelling: We started Unit 23 in Mr. Nickerson's class. We will start Unit 23 with my homeroom tomorrow.

Unit 23 Spelling Words
20 Word List:
lone, break, waist, passed, sore, cellar, roll, died, past, steak, role, steel, loan, dyed, seller, brake, soar, steal, stake, waste

10 Word List:
break, brake, passed, past, roll, role, died, dyed, steel, steal

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21

Students have MEA's tomorrow!! 

Writing: The informational writing is due this Friday, March 23.  Students have been given time in class all week to work on this.  What students should be working on this week include: Introduction, Conclusion, and adding nonfiction text features such as subheadings, bold words, pictures, maps, glossary, and maybe even a timeline or chart.  The timeline or chart are extra credit. 

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour   

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20

Sorry, I didn't post after school. I had another obligation directly after school.

Students will have a spelling quiz over Unit 22. 

Read for 1/2 hour! Students should continue to work towards the goals they set for the Third Semester! Many students raised their reading goal and are trying to challenge themselves!
Very proud of our 4th graders! 

Students will be taking MEA's on Thursday. This will be session two of the math test.  Get a good nights sleep! 

Mythology Links

Awesome Family Tree for the Greek Gods

Other stories about Greek Gods

Medusa and Athena

Difference between myths and legends

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19

MEA Testing for the next 3 weeks!  This week students will be taking them on Tuesday and Thursday.

Students will be doing MEA testing tomorrow and Thursday.  

They will be taking the math portion this week, the reading part next week, and the writing and essay part the week after. Please remind them how important it is to do their best so the teachers and parents will get a clearer picture of what they are capable of doing, and what they may need more practice on. 

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Link to interactive graphic organizers

Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 15

Wow! The grand production of Psyche and Eros was awesome. In class we read the myth so we will be comparing and contrasting the two different versions of the story!  Ask your child who they thought was the funniest character!

Spelling: Unit 22 - Students should do finish the first three pages if they have not completed them. We will have a quiz on Friday because of all the interruptions. 

Reading: Read to work on meeting read goal and to conference on Friday over books they have completed!  They need to be conferencing through the semester so they are not trying to conference over multiple books at the end! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Medusa Play

March 14

Happy snow day!  Tomorrow we are going to the Grande to see a production of a myth, Eros and Psyche.  Students have been reading myths and learning words that have a Greek origin!

Don't forget about literacy night tomorrow night. 5:30 - 6:30

Spelling: We are on Unit 22 learning how words may change by adding two suffixes, er and est.
Words that drop the silent e when adding the suffix,  words where you double the consonant when you add the suffix, and words that don't change when you add the suffix.

Students should have 2 pages done in this unit.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Writing: Students should have finished the three chapters so today we worked on adding nonfiction text features to their writing. 

Spelling: Mr. Nickerson's class Unit 22 first page


Eros and Psyche

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wednesday, March 7

Wow! The students learned so much by going to the Ellsworth American, and they had fun!  They got to see all facets of how the paper is produced, they met many people including reporters, people responsible for advertisements, editors, and managers. They even met Stephen Fay, the managing editor of the paper, and Terry Carlisle the general manager!   They even got to see the printing press running, and voted on the cutest dog, cat, and farret! Hancock Grammar School was the only school that participated so our 4th graders had a big job to do!

Reading: Students need to work on independent read goal. READ! READ! READ!

Writing: Students need to have the three chapters done by this Friday. Students were given a rubric.
(2 to 3 paragraphs for each chapter, 7 - 8 important details, subtitles, edited for complete sentences, capitalizations, punctuation, and organization)

Spelling: Students need to finish the third page if they are not done and study the words. I put them on the blog if you need them. (The 10 word list and the 20 word list)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Nonfiction Text Features

Let's see a video

March 6

Writing: Students need to continue on writing the three chapters for their informational writing. See Monday's for the writing expectations.

Spelling: Unit 21 gather, winter, master, tractor, shower, major, danger, enter, whether, water, thunder, eager, silver, minor, neither, wonder, either, rather, together

10 word list:
gather, winter, master, major, bitter, minor, either, danger, whether, together 

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; working towards reading goal ~ Make sure to bring books in to conference on (Friday)

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5

Just a reminder that tomorrow we are going to the Ellsworth American.

Writing: Students need to have 3 sections written for their nonfiction topic.  Each section needs to be 2 to 3 paragraphs.  It also needs to be in sentence form. Please have your son or daughter read to you what they have written so far.  This will help them to revise where they need to. They also need to edit for (COPS) capitalization, organization, punctuation, and spelling! We have been working hard on what is a complete sentence and what is not!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour ~ Students have two more weeks to meet their independent reading goal!

Spelling: We started Unit 21 ~ First page Mr. Nickerson's class did not start spelling today! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour ~ Make sure to bring independent reading book tomorrow

Writing: Continue to take notes; Make sure to have 3 chapters or sections you want to cover in your informational writing.

Spelling: Unit 20 ~ Study words and finish 3rd page if not done