Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26 Homework

There will be a snow day tomorrow because of the projected forecast!   

Indian Captive - Read the Chapter, Second Captivity - answer questions and do a triple entry journal in your reading notebooks over the vocabulary words

Little House in The Big Woods - Read the chapter - Dance at Grandpa's and answer the question

Spelling - Unit 16 Do the page 69

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Indian Captive Links

Want to learn about the Seneca tribe? Click on the link below to find out about the culture Molly is a part of now.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22

ELA: Continue writing your memoir - You should have at least 3 to 4 paragraphs... Remember to revise - keeping in mind what your peer has suggested.   You have also been given a handout which you should use to see if you have all the components of a memoir.

Don't forget tomorrow will be the last day to conference for 1/2 way reading goal. Bring in books you need to conference on.

Also you need to be working on your radio drama information - research information about the Gold Rush and write dialogue between characters as well.

Spelling: Finish Unit 14

Math: Homelink

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15

Reading: Work on reading to meet your reading goal

Memoir: You should have your introduction done and be working on your second paragraph
(Descibe the setting - like Dan Greenberg)

Math: Home Link

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14

ELA: Write your lead and start on introduction of your memoir! Remember - a memoir is a memory of a time in your life that has shaped you in some way.  We have read 3 different leads. Try to choose one to write your lead and introduction.

Continue to read to meet your independent reading goal.

Math: Worksheet

Social Studies: Study for quiz

Let's Get Started on Those Radio Dramas

How about some music which is royalty free?

Owl Pellet Dissection

Lets find out about Owl Pellets

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 12

Writing: We have started our memoirs!  You are to write your lead and introduction. Make sure to refer to the examples we shared in class today.  You have 3 memoirs we have read in class and 3 other examples of leads.  [action lead, dialogue, sensory imagery lead, and question lead]
5S - If you are still stuck on an idea for a memoir you need to continue to brainstorm ideas.

Reading: 5W work on the remaining vocabulary word. USE THE TRIPLE ENTRY JOURNAL
Work on Independent reading goal

Spelling: Page 58 if you didn't finish in class

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8

Reading: Work on independent reading goal - 1/2 way goal is due Jan. 23

Bring in photos for Ode

Science: Study genetic science terms

Math: Math link

Let's Practice the Science Terms

Using Quizlet

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6

Language Arts:  READ! READ! READ! Independent Reading Goals - 1/2 Way goals due Jan. 23

Math: Home Link

Science: Quiz tomorrow over Punnett Squares

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5 - Homework Update

Language Arts: Students will need to be 1/2 way to their reading goal by January 23 (Mid-point grades of 2nd Trimester)

Students need to finish the Westward Expansion writing if they have not completed it yet.

Science: Worksheet - Punnet Squares

Math: Worksheet