Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How Much Carbon Dioxide Do Plants Give Off?

Let us read to find out!  While you are reading list key points to share with a partner.


Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Cycle

Video - Let us watch and listen to find out

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9 - Homework

Language Arts: Read chapters 7 & 8 Elephant Run
Quiz on Wednesday

Social Studies: Study for quiz tomorrow - Do challenge to help with the studying

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Geography Bee

Congratulations to our sixth graders who worked so hard during the Geography Bee! The two sixth graders who are moving on to the School Geography Bee are Cassie and Jadon and our alternate is Tyler Corro.  We are proud of you ALL!

Homework Grade 6 - December 4

Language Arts:  Read chapter 3 & 4 Elephant Run
Alpha Boxes - 10 important words from the story

Social Studies:  Finish Section 5 & 6  and packet that goes along with it

Owl Pellets

Let's do a virtual dissection before!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Food Webs, Food Chains & Energy Pyramids

Try different ecosystems to see how food webs, food chains and energy pyramids show energy flow!


Homework - December 3 - Grade 6

Language Arts: In the Springboard book on page 76 do questions 6 a - e and question 7

For questions 7 it should be 2 paragraphs
Given an example of what your life is like before...... (Remember to show and not tell. Think of the toy story video clip)
An example of a topic sentence could be: Before I was given to Suzie my life was........

  Second paragraph topic sentence:         After Suzie has been in my life things have been more than I could have ever hoped for.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour - Alpha Boxes over Elephant Run - Find important words from chapter 1 & 2 to put in the boxes. These words could be about the setting, characters, or events.   They could also be words you want to know more about.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework - December 2 - Grade 6

We have started a new book in Language Arts.  It is an historical fiction novel called  Elephant Run and written by Roland Smith.   Students have been learning about WWII and I have put some videos on the blog if they want to learn more or watch a video we have seen in class.

Students need to read chapters 1 & 2.  Students need a 1 spiral notebook to use for reading if they don't have one. 

Triple Entry journal for six words.  Students worked on this in class and many have finished.  I would like students to start putting new vocabulary words in their notebooks, but set the pages up like a triple entry journal. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21 - Homework

Social Studies: If you did not finish your essay in Social Studies it is due tomorrow.  We have had two days to work on it so you hopefully you don't have too much to do.

Language Arts: You need to edit your expository essay on your change.  Edit for complete sentences, periods, commas, and capitalizations!!!  Go through with a fine tooth comb!  You are editors at this point!

Great job to those who shared today!!!  

Make sure you are reading and have your reading log filled out!  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homework - November 20- Grade 6

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour; Fill in reading log and pass in to Mrs. Sprague on Friday!

Reminder: Work on RAZ Kids if you have not finished reading your book or answering the questions.

Expository Essay on Change - You should be on your third paragraph - Remember this is the paragraph that is about after the change...... 
Mrs. Sprague can give you feedback on the essay if you are working on it from home. I hope to connect with you then!

We will work on the conclusions tomorrow!

Social Studies:  Chapter 4 - Look over packet and skim your text.  You may want to use a sticky note to pick out main ideas from each section.  You end up having an extra to day to study!!!  Make it count!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Choose a Habitat


Homework - Grade 6 - November 19

ELA: Work on Expository Essay - The Change in YOU
You should have a rough draft of your introductory paragraph and the second paragraph.
 (The paragraph that explains what you were like before the change) (Include topic sentence, examples or explanations, descriptive words, adjectives and adverbs that describe what you were like before.)

FYI  The Third paragraph would be the paragraph that explains what you are like after the situation changed.

In the Springboard book on page 63 it explains the parts of the essay.
(Introductry paragraph and body paragraphs)


Study for the Social Studies Quiz

Monday, November 18, 2013

Life in Mesopotamia

This History - Our History
University of Chicago - Interactive
We will be able to examine artifacts up close.  What can we learn from the artifacts?

Homework - Grade 6 - November 18

Language Arts:
Prewriting Activity to help with ORGANIZATION OF YOUR EXPOSITORY ESSAY

Two column notes for expository essay- You all have a thesis statement and your two column notes should be examples and explanations of your before and then examples and explanations of your after.  You should have at least 5 examples in each column.  We will be starting the introductions tomorrow.

Before                and                    After

Social Studies:  Finish Section 7 in packet and start studying for a Quiz on Wednesday - The Rise of Sumerian City-States 

Help With Expository Essay - Change

What are all the parts to the Essay - Graphic Organizer


Thesis Statement

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework - November 14

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Fill out reading log

Writing: Fill in Graphic organizer we made in Google Docs; which over page 62 in the Springboard Book.  - You are collecting ideas for an expository essay that will be explaining how a change in your life has affected your life today.

Social Studies: Read Section 6 and fill out packet for this section. Make sure to include detail from the reading.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

National Geographic Mesopotamia


November 13 - Homework

Social Studies: Do Section 4 from the packet which is over what we read in class. Remember to use details from the passage.

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour - reading log

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE IT YET - Mrs. Sprague is going to walk you through a graphic organizer which will help in the organization of your essay. We are not there yet!!
I just want you to start narrowing down ideas for the essays!!  You may use page 62 to help you think about ideas such as responsibilities, family, friends, hobbies, interests, school, etc..  that have changed and affected in you in some way.

Be thinking about a topic you want to write about for your expository essay.  The prompt is to write an expository essay explaining how a change in your life has affected your life today.

What are Conjunctive Adverbs?

How are semicolons and conjuctive adverbs connected?

When do you use a conjuctive adverb?


Let's try it out!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What is a Mutation?

How is a mutation like changes in a recipe?

Video from Educational Foundation
"Accidents of Creation"

The story of Sickle Cell Anemia


Many Links:

Summary of the Little Mermaid


Newest Video - Punnett Square


Homework - November 12 Grade 6

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour and write in reading log
Be thinking of an expository topic that changed you. Remember it should be a topic that you can easily pick out a cause and effect relationship.

Social Studies: Finish section 3.2 & 3.3 graphic organizer. (Packet) Finish any reading you may have to complete those sections.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Slide Show - Rise of Sumerian City-State


Character Traits

Link To Character Traits

Links to Character Traits

November 6 - Homework

Language Arts: Reading Goals are due Friday; Make sure to conference with Mrs. Sprague

Expository Writing Over The Folk Tale, "How Fire Came to the Six Nations" is due Thursday.

Social Studies: Finish expository if you have not completed it.

Semester Ends on This Friday, November 8

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homework - November 6 - Grade 6

Language Arts: Continue to work on expository essay on Three Arrows. Use the graphic organizer and Springboard book to help you with organization.  Remember the thesis is about two character traits of Three Arrows.  Each paragraph should include a topic sentence about the trait.  You need to provide evidence for each trait and the Native American tale is your resource.

Reading Goals are due Friday!!  Make sure to bring in books that you need to conference on.

Social Studies: You may work on expository essay for Social Studies

Monday, November 4, 2013

Grade 6 Homework - November 4

Independent Reading Goals are due Friday!!!!Make sure to bring books in to conference on this week!

Language Arts: Fill out graphic organizer for Expository Essay on on the Native American Tale we read in class about Three Arrows. (Focus on two character traits - remember not feelings)
Make sure to have topic sentences such as: Three Arrows also showed determination while he was trying to attain his manhood.

The lines that say details should be evidence from the story. 

 Social Studies: One more day to study for test. Make sure to use all your tools for studying. (book, online resources such as the challenge, packet, and/or two column notes)

Where do we get our traits?

Genetics for Kids


Video with Punnett Square


Bill Nye The Science Guy will explain How Traits are along!!





Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework - Tuesday, Oct. 29

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour; Reading Log

Work on group Expository Writing Over Gorilla
Point of View worksheet

Social Studies: Do one section in packet

Math worksheet Both sides on LCD

Monday, October 28, 2013

Homework - Monday, October 28 - Grade 6

Language Arts: Finish two worksheets (front and back)
                         * Using conjunctions in a sentence
                         * Identify point of view


Social Studies: Finish packet up through 3.5

Essay Map


Veterans Day Poems



Thursday, October 24, 2013

Homework - Grade 6 - October 24

ELA: In your Springboard book add more ideas under each heading such as (friends, school, family, hobbies) You should try to get at least 5 to 6 ideas under each heading

Your reading logs will be collected tomorrow. Make sure to have page numbers on the side and parent initials!  Read! Read! Read!   Trimester ends November 15 and you need to be reading your goal!

Social Studies: Read and finish packet up through 3.4

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Does A Flowering Plant Reproduce

Art:Reproduction in flowering plants begins with pollination, the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma on the same flower or to the stigma of another flower on the same plant (self-pollination), or from anther on one plant to the stigma of another plant (cross-pollination). Once the pollen grain lodges on the stigma, a pollen tube grows from the pollen grain to an ovule. Two sperm nuclei then pass through the pollen tube. One of them unites with the egg nucleus and produces a zygote. The other sperm nucleus unites with two polar nuclei to produce an endosperm nucleus. The fertilized ovule develops into a seed.

Reproduction in flowering plants begins with pollination, the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma on the same flower or to the stigma of another flower on the same plant (self-pollination), or from anther on one plant to the stigma of another plant (cross-pollination). Once the pollen grain lodges on the stigma, a pollen tube grows from the pollen grain to an ovule. Two sperm nuclei then pass through the pollen tube. One of them unites with the egg nucleus and produces a zygote. The other sperm nucleus unites with two polar nuclei to produce an endosperm nucleus. The fertilized ovule develops into a seed.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 


Help with a Thesis Statement

Owl Perdue has a terrific website that can help with all your writings.


Along with the Capital Community College Foundation


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

One-celled organisms + producing new individuals

Below you will find a great video that explains how one-celled organisms reproduce. As you watch listen to hear how bacteria's reproduces.  See if you hear how other organisms we have studied reproduce.


How About those Sea Urchins?

Exactly what is a sea urchin? Click on the link below to find out.

Check out what National Geographic has to say about sea urchins!
What interesting facts did you learn?


Let's watch cell division of sea urchins! It is cool!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let's Play Jeopardy

Grade 5 Science - Chapter 1 Jeopardy


Homework - Grade 6 - October 17

Language Arts: IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED!! Finish narrative - make sure to have a reflection at the end. How this change affected you....

Study those spelling words.  You should have two different ways you studied your spelling words. Make sure to look over the tricky parts.  I WILL BE COLLECTING READING LOGS

Read for 1/hour - and write down pages in your log- I will be collecting these tomorrow.

Social Studies: Finish Poster - You will have a few minutes for finishing touches!

Some people did not pass in their cause/effect papers today. If this is you make sure to complete them tonight!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework - October 16 - Grade 6

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour and write in log. Pick out 2 more events from the novel you are reading and write down an effect for each one. (Cause & Effect paper)

Spelling: Choose any method to study your words

Connotation and Denotation worksheet

Social Studies: Rough draft of project due Tomorrow - Thursday - October 17 (Hopefully your group worked out what each person was doing)

Good job in Social Studies today! You all worked really hard on your projects!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quiz on Prepositions


Homework - October 15 - Grade 6

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour - As you are reading tonight, pick out 3 different events from your book and write down the effect it had on the character.  ( Use the Cause and Effect worksheet I gave you)

There were some students who did not pass in their reading log from last week.  Make sure to get them into Mrs. Sprague on Wednesday!

Spelling: Write down your words again and underline the tricky parts.  This is a spelling strategy that will help you remember how to spell those tricky words.

Social Studies: Work on your rough draft for your poster. I know you are working in groups, but you can still try to get some of the information your group will want to put on the poster. It might be a good idea to divide different tasks up so everyone does his/her share.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Grade 6 - Homework - October 10

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour and write down in Blog pages you have read and have parents initial it

Writing: Narrative is Due Tuesday! You should read aloud your narrative to yourself to check where you may need to make revisions. Does you have all the steps so the reader gets a clear picture of your story? Do you have a catchy lead?  Did you write a reflection at the end? How did this event change you?  (Don't forget to incorporate your feelings throughout the story, sensory detail, vivid verbs and adjectives)    You should conference with someone; even someone at home!  You should also read comments Mrs. Sprague has given you....   Then you should be editing! You need to go through with a fine tooth comb- (Punctuation and capitalization)  Mrs. Sprague has gone through some of the editing you need to do know that you are using a computer!  Good Luck!!

Social Studies: Make sure you have completed the reading and you need to finish your packets.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Homework - Grade 6 - October 9

Read for 1/2 hour; write in reading log; write pages you have read for that night

Work on narrative!!!  Due Tuesday!

Donations Still Needed! We still need healthy snacks for students while they are testing.
Granola Bars, Bagged Popcorn, Boxes of raisins, Fruit snacks, Goldfish, Animal Crackers

Thank You if you can help us!

Let's learn about CELLS!

Cells Alive - Check it OUT!

Summarize what Mitosis is all about using a summarizing template Mrs. Sprague will give you.


The website www.khanacademy.org has explanations for many phases a cell goes through.

Check out Phases of Mitosis!


Check out another website that explains mitosis:

Microbus - http://www.microscope-microscope.org/microscope-activities.htm

NEOK12 - Educational Videos for K-12 Schools


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Grade 6 - October 8 - Homework

Language Arts:  Reading - Read for 1/2 hour; record on the blog (make sure to include page #'s and have parent initial

While read pick out two examples of sensory detail from the reading and two examples of dialogue.

Work on Narrative:  You should be working towards finishing the rough draft. Use the tools we have been working with to help you. (Other narratives - Toss Me a Line, Happiness, and two in the Spring Board book) I have also given you an outline to help with organization.

The Spring Board book also has the rubric, steps, and what to include in your narrative!

Social Studies: You should have Section 2 & 3 completed by tomorrow.  If you were given back the written response from the quiz make sure to work on that tonight!

Get a good night sleep for testing tomorrow!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Grade 6 Homework October 3

Sorry I did not get the homework on the blog after school. I had an appointment at the physical therapist. (Trouble with my left shoulder)

Reading: Reading logs will be collected - Make sure to put page numbers you are on and have parent or guardian initial it every day.

Study those spelling words! Spelling test tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grade 5 Homework - October 2

Math: Study Link

Science: Finish reading pages A24 - A25  and take notes using the summarizing template

Grade 6 Homework - October 2

ElA: In the springboard book highlight important steps that will help you write your narrative

(page 31 & 32)

Read for 1/2 hour

Write down in your reading log - Page #'s and have parents initial

Social Studies: You will have one more day to study! Make it count!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

6th Grade Homework - October 1

Social Studies: Study for quiz  - Chapter 1 - Resources to use: Book, Packet, online challenge, vocabulary in book, triple entry journal, and map on page 3 or worksheet (Don't forget to look up  video of the cave in Lascaux, France.  You are going to pretend you are a news reporter and talking to an archeologist, historian, and geographer. You will be explaining what has been found there and what each one thinks about why the paintings are there.

Language Arts: Write spelling words in a sentence; (you may use a version of the word like change for changeable)  (Try using vivid verbs - I gave you a sheet to use)

Choose a category and list stories you may want to write about - Such as scariest time, most

Read for 1/2 hour; write down page you left off on; have parents sign sheet

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fifth Grade Homework - September 30

Math: Study link

Reading: Questions

Sixth Grade Homework - September 30

Social Studies: Finish questions that go along with the map of Africa.  You may have to reread page 3 to help you.

Spelling: Do one activity to practice the spelling words: noticeable, changeable, outrageous, serviceable, vengeance, courageous, singeing, tingeing, peaceable, dyeing, shoeing, agreeable

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour; Write down on the log what page you are on.

Science: A quiz over chapter 1 is coming up on Thursday;  Start looking over the chapter.

Breaking The Mold

I have put a link to a website where you can actually watch mold growing.  You will have to scroll down a little bit until you get to the seventh box.  While watching the video, look closely for the hyphae which come together to form mycelia!  We will discuss in class!

We will learn those new vocabulary words in class. Have Fun watching!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grade 6 Homework - September 25

Please read over the laptop Expectations and Consequences with your parents.  [Make sure to have them sign it]

Language Arts:
In your writer's notebook choose a category from the list we brainstormed in class on Wednesday.  Then list events or incidents that you would like to write about someday.
(For example: Mrs. Sprague choose the funniest category and brainstormed incidents or events she could write about)

STUDY SPELLING WORDS - Spelling test tomorrow

Reading: Read for at least a 1/2 hour have parents sign the reading log

Practice reading the picture book for fluency, rate, accuracy, and articulation

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sixth Grade Homework September 25

Language Arts:
 Spelling- This should be your third practice this week for spelling -
Write your words once and underline the tricky part in the word - Go Over the tricky part (letters) with a pen or marker

Work on Memory Map if you do not have it done! You know who you are!

Practice reading picture book to a family member - Practice for fluency - (Rate, accuracy, and articulation) Don't forget expression - Due for Monday

Read for at least 1/2 hour - write down the page you left off- have parents initial log

Social Studies: You need finish packet up through section 1.7 - Make sure to read through each section as you work on packet

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Classification of Living Things

While you are watching the video write down 3 interesting things you learned; 2 facts; and one question you still have.

3, 2 & 1


Another resource to help with classifications of living things.




Sixth Grade Homework Sept. 23 & 24

Monday, Sept. 23 - Homework

Language Arts:
Sept. 23 Spelling: Practice your spelling by choosing a method from the sheet I gave you Friday.  Mrs. West did have extras if anyone needed it.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour and don't forget to write the page number you stopped at on your reading log.  (Have your parents initial the row)

Language Arts:
Sept. 24 Spelling: Choose a different strategy to study your spelling words.

Reading: You read a personal narrative in class with Mrs. West.  Finish the paper which asks you to pick out details about the setting, (including sensory imagery), number the sequence of events, highlight sensory imagery such as (frost forms leafy patterns on your bedroom window, the wind howls off)

Read for 1/2 hour (same as above)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Trip to Little Cranberry Island

Fifth Grade - Science - Make sure to finish your vocabulary if you haven't already. 

Wow! What a great trip we had to little Cranberry Island.  The ocean and scenery was just majestic! How about the porpoises and the eagle?   It was amazing to see an eagle soar down in front of us and watch the porpoises sail effortlessly through the turbulent sea. It is sooo great to live in Maine!  We also learned so many interesting facts about living on an island in Maine during the 1800's.  

Sixth Grade Homework - Monday, September 23

I hope you had a good day!  Get a good night sleep tonight for your NWEA's tomorrow!

Spelling: Choice one activity to practice your spelling words.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour and record in your log!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

5th Grade Homework


I have a few links on the blog to help you study. Don't worry about words that we have not gone over in class.  You won't be responsible for knowing them.

Sixth Grade Homework - Sept. 19

Language Arts:
Reading logs: Read for 1/2 hour and have parents initial - Don't forget to write down the page you left off.

Study those spelling words - Spelling test tomorrow

I have given you paper which has 8 columns to do your memory map.  This paper is for your memory maps.
Finish your Memory Map over a narrative you will be writing about in the very near future!  The prompt will be to write write about a change that has significantly changed you in some way.  This goes along with pages 16 & 17 in your Springboard books.  Remember you need to have at least 8 - 10 events, feelings of these events and dialogue. (For each event you are to write down your feelings and any dialogue that would have happened.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Fun Way to Study Cell Functions

Mrs. Sprague has found some interactive ways to study the functions of a cell.  Below are some quizzes to practice for the quiz on friday.  They will be a great way to help you remember the function of each organelle! Have FUN!




Grade 5 Homework Sept. 18

Science: Study the vocabulary words for the quiz on Friday!

Open House -

We hope to see you all at Open House tomorrow night, Thursday, September 19 from 5 -7!  

Grade 6 - Homework - September 18

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour;  Remember to write the page you are on beside your parent/s initials

Spelling: Write a story using your spelling words

Social Studies: Triple Entry Journal over vocabulary words in your packet

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homework Tuesday, September 17

 FYI - We do not have a water fountain in our portable classroom.  It would be helpful if students had a water bottle.

Language Arts:

Finish your narrative drawing  (Include beginning, {setting,

Read for at least 1/2 hour and have parents sign the reading log (Don't forget to write down the page you are on)

Spelling: Practice your words by putting them into a scrabble format

Social Studies: Cover those books!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework - September 16

Language Arts: Finish the narrative over the events that happened in the Lion King Video. (We have watched this short clip twice so I hope you will be okay) 

Read for 1/2 hour and have parents initial

Write spelling words three times each and underline the tricky parts.
coming, desiring, forcibly, arguing, hoping, imaginable, pursing, writing, owing, amusing, dining, surprising  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grade 6 Homework September 12

Reading: Read for at least 1/2 hour, write on your reading log, and have your parent initial it

Language Arts: STUDY THOSE SPELLING WORDS - Remember to try to find the tricky parts so help you remember how to spell the words.

receive, believe, relieve, deceive, seize, weigh, leisure, conceive, achievement, foreign, and grieve

(Use ei after c or when the sound is short a as in sleigh)
There are always exceptions to the rule such as weird, leisure, seizure, either, and neither)

Change WEB due Tomorrow - Web changes you have gone through 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Invisible Watery World




Homework Grade 6 - September 11

Social Studies: If you didn't get to finish the quiz you have one more day to study! You are off to a great start!

Language Arts:
Spelling: You need to write your words in a scrabble format like the example I gave you on the board. Most of you wrote the example in your writer's notebook so you have something to go by.

You can make more than one if your words won't fit into one group.  You can try using wordle online if you want to.  I will show you this next week so don't worry about doing it this week.

Reading: Read for AT LEAST  a 1/2 hour and have your parents initial your reading chart.


Poems with Rhyme Scheme

Read over two poems written by Robert Frost. As you read think about how he used rhyme scheme to help with the flow and fluency of the poem.

Two of Robert Frost's poems with rhyming scheme demonstratedRobert Frost Poems

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem below? Clink on the link to read the poem.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, Sept. 10 - Grade 6 Homework

Language Arts: Read for 1/2 hour - Have parent/s write initials next to the pages you read at night in your reading log

Work on your web for change - Final Drafts of Web due Friday

Spelling: Write a story using your spelling words. This can be a humorous, sad, or adventurous story. (Be creative)

Social Studies: Study the states for quiz

(New England States, Mid-Atlantic States, Southern States, & Great Lake States - use the link from the blog to find out which states are in each region if you need it) 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Grade 6 Homework

Language Arts:
1. Write spelling words 3X each
2. Work on Change web in writer's notebook - prewriting activity - Idea Development
We will continue to add to this web for a few weeks
3. Read for 1/2 hour

Social Studies:
Study your states & capitals - Quiz on Wednesday

Math: 2 Questions

No Science

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Do We Know our Capitals?


Repost Cell Walls

What are the parts of a cell and why are they important?


You can find out the function for each part of a cell.  This is a great resource for you to use for your cell project.


Why are cell walls so important in a plant?