Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14

I hope you all have a great vacation or break!  Thank you to students and parents for the wonderful valentine gifts!  They were very much appreciated!   Students also enjoyed ice cream, a few other treats, and the many little trinkets and candies that other students brought in!  I think they had a great afternoon!

Students were also given permission slips for parents to fill out.  I will be starting to use a website  after vacation called, "Class Dojo". It is a digital classroom management tool where each student gets an avatar. Students can personalize the avatar and teachers can create goals to track. Teachers can also give students scores for being on task, participating in class, working collaboratively and showing teamwork, working hard, etc. and then generate reports and send them to parents.  It is also a way for parents to see student work.   It is a secure sight where only the teacher, student, and parent can see student work or messages. 
* Teachers can use it to give students instant and active encouragement. 
* Teachers can also chat with parents about the information and situation of students.
Could you please sign and return the permission slip to let me know if you it is okay for your child to be part of our classroom in this medium.  I would also like your email address so I can communicate with you using this program.  

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