Writing: Students need to work on their personal narratives. Today we worked on adding transitions in our stories. Phrases like: After adventuring through the woods,..... or When we finally made it back,...... While we were in the boat,......... We also discussed that these transitions would be great ways to start a new paragraph. (Three reasons to start a new paragraph include new time, new event, or new setting)
Students should have 5 paragraphs and some students still need to add their thoughts and feelings during each part of their story, imagery, (This would work well to describe the setting), and dialogue would also help to move the story along.
Students were given the COPS strategy to edit their writings. C stands for capitalizing the first letter of a sentence and capitalizing proper nouns. O stands for Paragraphs are indented, sentences are complete thoughts, and the order of the story makes sense. P stands for punctuation~ each sentence ends with punctuation, commas are used, and dialogue is surrounded by quotes. (We have been working hard on learning how to quote)
Spelling- use dictionary to check for spellings
Spelling:Unit 10 Spelling quiz will be on Wednesday. I wanted to give the students a couple of days to study the words.
Reading: Read for 1/2 hour
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