Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30

Spelling: Study those spelling words ~ Unit 31
election, invitation, shadow, motion, shoulder, dictionary, fiction, abolish, division, multiplication,
patient, publish, shelter, constellation, magician, constitution, magician, constitution, imitation,
capitalization, confusion, exclamation

Social Studies: Quiz over Southeast Region~ Mrs. Morrison gave students a sample quiz to use as a study guide;

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Spelling: Unit 31 First page most students have finished the first page

Science: Try to get the materials for the science fair project if you can. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Science Fair - Link to Table

Once you get to website scroll down to the table to see how this students set it up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 23

Spelling: Study those words and finish the third page of Unit 29!

Writing: Finish compare/contrast writings if not done

Math: Math worksheet~ Reducing fractions to lowest terms.
May 22

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day? What are three interesting facts that you learned about Memorial Day?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

March 21

Reading NWEA's tomorrow. We will start at 8:30! Get a good nights sleep!

Math NWEA's will be on May 30th

K - 4 Concert is May 30th and starts at 6:00.  We hope to see you there!

Spelling: Unit 29 ~ Second page

Writing: Students should work on compare/contrast essay

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour to meet independent reading goal

Science: Work on typing up question, hypothesis, materials list, and procedure

Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20

We will be taking the NWEA's for reading on Wednesday morning! Please make sure to get a good nights sleep.

Spelling: Unit 29 Months of year and days of the week
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, calendar, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour to meet your independent reading goal

Science: Make sure to show your parents your science fair packet and return the back page with a parent's signature.  Don't forget to share what you want to do.

Math: Study those math facts ~ You can use Mobymax or the links to the right on the blog!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

May 16

Spelling: Spelling Test tomorrow ~ Unit 28 

Writing: Students should have at least a paragraph for their compare/contrast writing

Science: Students will be given packets for a science fair that we will be doing the last week of school.  So please be looking for that tomorrow.  Ask them about their choice for a science fair topic and maybe they could show you where they got their idea. There are many links to science fair ideas. 
Most of them have a direction of what they want to do for an experiment, but at this point they may need to be tweaked a little. 

Math: Students need to practice their multiplication and division facts. Moby Max is a great resource to do that. 

Myth Link

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 15

Spelling: Unit  28  ~  Third Page 186 (Analogies, Context Clues, Comparisons)

Writing: Continue Paragraph ~ Compare/Contrast writing ~ How the two things are similar

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

We are starting our Science Fair Projects ~ Have your child share what topic they are doing. Many students have written the question they are going to try to answer and their hypothesis. So we are off to a good start.  A few still aren't sure what they want to do so I am showing them some links where they can look at options.  Our goal is to show off our investigations to other classes the last week of school.   I will be sending home more information soon!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May 14 Homework

Math: Students got a worksheet on simplifying fractions (This should be a review)

Spelling: Unit 28 Second page joyful, helpless, restful, careless, useful, thankless, peaceful, hopeless, thankful, cloudlesss, powerful, helpful, powerless, careful, restless, wasteful, cheerful, useless, playful, thoughtful

Writing:  Compare/Contrast Essay ~ First paragraph ~ This needs to be in sentence form with paragraphs.  (Students got to choose two things they wanted to compare) (Some students started making a list which is not what they are supposed to do.)

Format: Introduction There are many similarities and differences between........

First paragraph: How are they similar? Try to give at least 4 to 5 ways they are similar.

Second paragraph:  How are they different?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 8

The Wax Museum is tomorrow at 5:30 - 6:30. It will be a self-guided tour as students share what they have learned about their person. They have been told to bring home their monologues to practice them in front of people at home. We practiced today, looking up at our audience, talking slowly, and loud enough so people can hear.

Reading: Read for 1/2

Spelling: Unit 27 third page (180)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May 7

Wax Museum will be on Thursday at 5:30 - 6:30 in the gym!  
                           We hope to see everyone!

Students need to come dressed and ready to be the character! 
They need to practice their monologues!  

Practice Spelling Unit 27 words for Friday's quiz!

Greek Gods Introduction

Check out the Gods of Mt. Olympus

Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 2

Spelling: Study chapter 26 words

Writing: Read over your monologue and share it with your family!  What you have written about your person) Let me know if you need anything for your costume!

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Math: Study those multiplication facts! We talked today how it will be a lot easier to do the math if they know their times tables.

Please have students leave Pokeman cards at home.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 30

Field Trip!  
Students had a great time releasing the salmon and learning how the experts do it at the National Green Lake Fish Hatchery.  Students released the salmon in the West Branch Portion of the Union River, and then went to the Hatchery where we had a tour and got to see Salmon at all different stages. Students were pretty excited to see the big ones, which were the smolts.  Each student was able to release some of the salmon into the river that we have raised!  It was a great time!

Spelling: Students should have two pages down in Unit 26.

Reading: Read for 1/2 hour

Social Studies: If you are doing a redo test of the Midwest you should use the links from the blog to study for the quiz on Thursday.