This Friday is Winterfest!
Help! We are still in need of snack food for Winterfest! If you would like to contribute, here is what we are still in need of: Cereal, (Chex, Cheerios), M & M's, raisins, pretzels, hot chocolate, styrofoam cups, paper bowls, juice, and marshmallows.
Don't forget tomorrow is Pajamas Day!
Now for the Homework
Math: Finish page 190 - 192 Do Spiral Review as well
Finish those poetry books! They are due tomorrow! Many of you are not finished and will need to complete it at home. Tomorrow in class we will be working on the cover! So type what you have left at home, including the copyright page, title page, the narrative poems you summarized, and all the other poems we have done in class! You can do it! It will be fun to share so be ready! (Some have not finished the summaries of the narrative poems so please complete them at home if you didn't finish in class)READ FOR 1/2 hour!!!! Always remember your goal!